Here’s How Often You Should Be Changing Auto Insurance Companies

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If you’ve been wondering, How often should I change insurance companies?” you’re not alone. Many people in Frisco, TX, are searching for better rates, improved coverage, or simply want to know if it’s time to buy auto insurance elsewhere. So, how do you know when to make the switch, and how often should you do it?

In this blog, we’ll break down the key reasons why changing your insurance company might be the right move for you and answer the most common questions business owners and residents of Frisco, TX, have about switching policies.

Why Do People Consider Changing Insurance Companies?

If you’re asking, “Should I switch insurance companies?” it’s usually because something feels off. Maybe your rates have gone up, your current provider isn’t offering the coverage you need, or you’re just looking for better customer service. Let’s face it—your insurance needs can change over time, just like your driving habits or business operations.

Whether you’re looking to buy auto insurance for the first time or want to lower your premium, knowing when and why to switch insurance companies can save you money and stress in the long run.

Should You Change Insurance Providers Every Time Your Rate Increases?

This is a common concern: you notice a sudden rate hike, and you’re tempted to jump ship. Before making any decisions, ask yourself:

  1. Why did my premium increase? Check if the rise is due to changes in your coverage, driving record, or external factors like more traffic or natural disasters in Frisco.
  2. Is my provider still competitive? Sometimes, staying loyal to your current provider pays off in the long run. They may offer loyalty discounts or better customer service that offsets a slight rate increase.

In short, while rate increases may be annoying, it’s not always a reason to change immediately. Still, it’s wise to compare your current policy with other options in the market at least once a year to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

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How Often Should I Shop for Insurance?

The golden rule is that you should shop for new insurance quotes every 1-2 years. Why? Insurance rates fluctuate over time based on factors like:

  • Changes in the market
  • Your driving record
  • Local events, such as increased traffic or weather risks in Frisco, TX

By reviewing your policy every couple of years, you can see if you’re still getting the best deal for your needs. Don’t just take the first offer that comes along—explore your options.

When Is the Best Time to Buy Auto Insurance?

There’s no “perfect” time to buy auto insurance, but there are some key moments in your life when it might be a good idea to re-evaluate your coverage:

  • After major life changes like getting married, moving to a new area, or buying a new car.
  • When your rates increase for reasons beyond your control (market changes, higher claims in your area, etc.)
  • When your current provider doesn’t offer the coverage you need or the customer service you expect.

How Do I Know If I’m Paying Too Much?

You may be overpaying if you haven’t compared quotes recently. Many residents in Frisco stick with the same provider year after year out of convenience, but that loyalty could be costing you.

Did you know that drivers in Frisco, TX, who shop around could save up to 15-20% on their premiums by switching? Depending on factors like your age, driving record, and vehicle type, you might find substantial savings by looking elsewhere.

ALSO READ: 7 Incredible Tips for Getting the Best Auto Insurance Quote

What Should I Consider Before Switching?

Before you jump ship, take a moment to evaluate your current coverage.

  • Compare your deductibles: Are they too high? Too low? A higher deductible might mean lower monthly premiums but more out-of-pocket expenses in the event of an accident.
  • Check for coverage gaps: Make sure you’re not losing essential coverage, like roadside assistance or rental car reimbursement, just to save a few bucks.
  • Consider the customer service: If you’re not happy with the service, switching could give you peace of mind.

The good news? At The Agent’s Office®, we take the hassle out of switching by working with top-rated A+ carriers to ensure you get the right coverage without breaking the bank.

Common Misconceptions About Changing Insurance Companies

  1. “Switching is difficult”: Many people fear that switching will be a hassle. But with dedicated agents at The Agent’s Office®, the process is quick and painless. We handle the legwork for you.
  2. “My rates will increase if I switch”: While this can happen, it’s often not the case. We’ve found that many Frisco residents actually lower their rates when they explore their options.
  3. “You lose coverage when you switch”: Not true! There are no gaps in coverage as long as you plan the transition carefully. We can guide you on how to avoid any lapse in protection.


Q: How soon can I switch after buying a new policy?

A: You can switch at any time, even if you just bought a policy. But keep in mind, some companies may charge a cancellation fee.

Q: Can I have two auto insurance policies at the same time?

A: Technically, yes. However, having two policies for the same vehicle might lead to complications when making claims. It’s better to switch completely rather than overlap policies.

Q: Does switching affect my credit score?

A: Shopping around for quotes won’t impact your credit, but insurance companies do often perform a “soft inquiry” to check your credit, which doesn’t affect your score.

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How The Agent’s Office® Can Help

At The Agent’s Office®, we specialize in helping business owners and residents in Frisco, TX, find the perfect balance between cost and coverage. We have access to top-rated A+ carriers that offer competitive rates and top-notch service, making the transition smooth and straightforward.

If you’re ready to buy auto insurance or explore better options, our team of insurance professionals is here to assist. Reach out today to see how much you could save by switching to a policy that fits your needs perfectly.

Final Thoughts: When’s the Right Time to Change Insurance Companies?

Ultimately, how often you switch insurance companies depends on your personal situation. But as a general rule of thumb, reviewing your policy every 1-2 years is a smart move. Whether you’re in the market to buy auto insurance for the first time or simply want to compare rates, knowing your options will help you get the best coverage at the best price.

Ready to explore your options? Let The Agent’s Office® help you navigate the process with ease!

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