Author name: George Azide

George isn't your average insurance guy. Sure, he's spent over a decade wrangling policies for over 15,000 happy clients and even managed one of the biggest insurance agencies in the country. But what truly sets him apart is his passion for making insurance fun (and dare we say, sexy?). Now, you might be thinking, "Insurance fun? Is that even possible?" Trust us, George is the magician who pulls off the impossible. He owns an insurance brokerage in Texas where he's turned insider secrets into easy-to-understand education products. Think of him as your financial superhero, saving the day from confusing jargon and hidden fees. But he isn't all work and no play. When George isn't focused on saving the world, dollar by dollar, he's spending time with his beautiful wife, Mayra, his 3 awesome daughters, and his adorable doggo Snow. Forget Netflix and chill, George and his family bond over deductibles and dividends! Insurance isn't just his job, it's his superpower for building a brighter, more financially secure world (and maybe winning family game nights). So, whether you're looking for a down-to-earth insurance expert or just someone who can make financial talk exciting, George Azide is your man. He's the guy who proves that understanding your finances can be fun, and that security doesn't have to be scary. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to talk insurance after your first conversation with him. After all, that's his superpower!